
JESSICA HUANG is a playwright based in New York, from Minnesota. She is the inaugural recipient of the 4 Seasons Residency; the 2019 resident playwright at Chance Theater; a 2018 MacDowell Fellow; and a three-time Playwrights’ Center Fellow.

LEARN MORE: jessica-huang.com

A savvy writer observes constantly. Our ears are attuned to patterns of speech, our eyes capture the nuances of physical gesture. But what happens when we endeavor to craft a story set in a different time and place? How do we accurately portray realities that we ourselves have not experienced or observed. In Writing for Time and Place, Jessica Huang examines the role of research in the creative act. We will learn how to use a variety of source material--text, image, sound--to authentically evoke the worlds of the past. An experienced researcher, Huang will share elements of her own creative practice, revealing how truth can be found while bridging gaps of both time and place. 


The small-class workshop is sold out. We invite you to join us for Jessica Huang’s free Thursday lecture series. Register below.

T, SEPT 8: 6-7:30pm MT
T, SEPT 15: 6-7:30pm MT
T, SEPT 22: 6-7:30pm MT
T, SEPT 29: 6-7:30pm MT


These lectures are free and open to the public. Upon registering, a Local Theater Company staff member will send you a private YouTube link where you can view the lecture.

If you would like to donate to Local Theater Company, we invite you to donate to the Local Love Relief Fund through our E-Bike for Local raffle, presented by Local Theater Company’s Board of Directors (below).

R, SEPT 10: 6-7pm MT
R, SEPT 17: 6-7pm MT
R, SEPT 24: 6-7pm MT
R, OCT 1: 6-7pm MT