LOCAL LAB 2020 has been CANCELlED
Dear Local Theater Company Community,
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of Local Lab 2020, Friday March 13 - Sunday March 15. In the past week, we have taken extensive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our audience as well as our creative team. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, we made this difficult decision. We believe it is the right one.
It is our sincere hope that we will have the opportunity to share these truly exceptional new American plays with you in the near future. For the time being, please enjoy a selection of photos from rehearsals that took place earlier this week. We could not be more proud of all the artists who came to Boulder this week and made these plays come alive.
We wish you and your families health and safety during this challenging period. We are so thankful for the support of our community. We can't do this without you.
Pesha Rudnick
Artistic Director, Local Theater Company
MARCH 13-15, 2020
Join us for Boulder’s premier festival of new American plays, parties and so much more! Be front and center for FOUR thrilling concert-style readings, mix and mingle with your fellow festival-goers at Lab parties, meet the artists behind our nation’s most compelling theater, and share your feedback through a series of innovative post-show gatherings.
This year, we are pleased to welcome three internationally-celebrated playwrights to Boulder. These artists represent the best of our nation’s storytellers. Their plays have been produced or developed at some of the most renowned theaters in the United States: Manhattan Theater Club, Steppenwolf, Goodman Theatre, Atlantic Theater Company, Berkeley Rep, The Old Globe… the list goes on. You don’t want to miss Local Lab 2020.
Join us for an exciting weekend of new American plays!
Festival Schedule
Friday, March 13
@ Walters & Hogsett Jewelers
2425 Canyon Blvd.
Meet your fellow festival-goers, the playwrights, and the performers as we kick off Local Lab 2020. There will be cocktails. There will be food. And there will be fun.
$5 valet parking is available at Embassy Suites with ALL-ACCESS PASS.
Friday, March 13
@ Dairy Arts Center - MAIN LOBBY 2590 Walnut Street, Boulder
The ALL-ACCESS PASS is your passport to the mainstage readings, Late Night Lab afterparty, and all of the exciting post-show gatherings. All passholders may pick up their pass at the Local Lab in the MAIN LOBBY of the Dairy, just to the right of the Polk Cafe.
MAINSTAGE READING 1: Hundreds and Hundreds of Stars
Friday, March 13
7pm (doors open at 6:30)
@ Grace Gamm Theater,
Dairy Arts Center 90 minutes - no intermission
Playwright Sandra Delgado
Playwright: Sandra Delgado
Director: Laurie Woolery
Dramaturg: Lydia Garcia
About the play: Like millions of Americans, Clara’s days are consumed with juggling work and family. Recently divorced, she’s taking care of her tween-age daughter, her aging father – and paying alimony to her under-employed ex-husband. But in the midst of all that stress, she’s got something to look forward to: a long planned for trip to Europe with her daughter Stella. In preparation, Clara, who immigrated to the US with her family as a child, decides to apply for full citizenship. She wants to be able to stand in the same customs line as Stella. But when her citizenship application is flagged, it sets off an unfathomable series of events that threaten to force her out of the only home she’s ever known. Timely and provocative, Hundreds and Hundreds of Stars asks challenging questions about our country’s most fundamental values.
Learn more about playwright Sandra Delgado here.
Learn more about director Laurie Woolery here.
MAINSTAGE READING 2: LocalWRITES Student Play Presentation
Saturday, March 14
11am (doors open at 10:30)
@ Grace Gamm Theatre
Dairy Arts Center
Directors: Nick Chase & Ilasiea Gray 60 minutes - no intermission
The members of LocalWRITES, a playwriting program offered to emerging-bilingual and English-speaking students at Casey Middle School in Boulder, have been working hard all year. Now, they're ready to share their work with you. Watch as professional actors, under the guidance of a skilled director, perform these student-written plays. You won't want to miss what these insightful teenagers have to say.
Saturday, March 14
7pm (doors open at 6:30)
@ Grace Gamm Theatre
Dairy Arts Center 90 minutes - no intermission
Playwright Josh Koenigsberg
Playwright: Josh Koenigsberg
Director: Betty Hart
Dramaturg: Courtney Cauthon
When a used Chevy dealership in upstate New York finds out their local rival, Wild Ron, is trying to put them out of business, they'll have one week to band together over the holidays to keep their business alive...or else infighting and scandal may shut them down for good. A comedy about the high-speed pursuit of the American Dream.
Learn more about playwright Josh Koenigsberg here.
Learn more about director Betty Hart here.
Saturday, March 14
8:30 -10pm
@ Embassy Suites
2601 Canyon Blvd
After an awesome day at Local Lab 2020, hang out with the playwrights, performers, and your fellow All-Access Passholders at Embassy Suites. We'll have great food, great drinks, and killer tunes.
Available only to All-Access Passholders, Lab ensemble, and Local Theater Company staff. $5 valet parking is available at Embassy Suites with Lab pass or ticket stub.
Sunday, March 15 12-1pm @ Grace Gamm Theater Dairy Arts Center 60 minutes - no intermission
Journalist and critic Lisa Kennedy (The Denver Post) conducts a conversation with our three Local Lab 2020 playwrights: Sandra Delgado, Josh Koenigsberg, and Jessica Huang. Hear what inspired each playwright to write their respective plays, and learn more about the writing process, from page to stage.
Lisa Kennedy
MAINSTAGE READING 4: Mother of Exiles
Sunday, March 15
@ Grace Gamm Theater
Dairy Arts Center 90 minutes - no intermission
Playwright Jessica Huang
Playwright: Jessica Huang
Director: Pirronne Yousefzadeh
Dramaturg: Heidi Schmidt
About the play: Mother of Exiles follows the Loi family’s journey through America across 200 years—as they are ushered along by the spirits of their ancestors. In 1898 California, a pregnant Eddie Loi faces deportation. In 1998 Miami, her grandson Braulio accidentally summons her spirit while patrolling the border. In 2098 somewhere on the ocean, their descendants try to survive.
Learn more about playwright Jessica Huang here.
Learn more about director Pirronne Yousefzadeh here.