COVID-19 Message to Our Community
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused theaters around the world to close their doors and reimagine nearly every aspect of the industry. Here at Local Theater Company, our doors may be closed, but self-expression is thriving all around us: new plays are being written, songs are being composed, and designers are reimagining performance spaces.
Until it is safe to do so, we will not hold public performances with an in-person audience. We made this decision with the safety of our artists, Season 10 members, audience and staff at the forefront of our minds. Local Theater Company is operating in accordance with the most up-to-date state and local public health regulations.
Local Theater Company is a member of Actor’s Equity Association (AEA) and is categorized as a “Small Professional Theater.” This means that we hire professional union actors and stage managers, many of whom are members of Actor’s Equity Association. As we consider how and when to resume public performances, we are making sure that we are in compliance with AEA guidelines and safety protocols for in-person performances, which continue to be updated.
We are pleased to announce our upcoming Season 10, which will take place virtually for the safety of everyone involved. Until we can guarantee we are able to gather safely, we invite you to join us for a virtual season filled with deep conversations with artists, ten commissioned new plays and robust educational programming. Our theme this year? Dwell in possibility. Together we’re going to make it a fantastic experience.
Thank you to our community for your commitment to Local Theater Company and the performing arts during this uncertain time. We are excited to embark on an innovative and engaging season with you!
How can I help?
Theater is going to need community this year, more than ever. For those with the ability to provide support, here are a few ways you can help:
1. Email your representatives in Congress and advocate for the expansion and recapitalization of the Paycheck Protection Program and the expansion of the duration of the pandemic unemployment benefit. You can do so by using the effective platform provided by The Performing Arts Alliance, the Coalition of Performing Arts Advocates. LINK
2. Identify and donate to performing arts organizations in your community that support BIPOC and LGBTQX voices.
3. Become a Local Theater Company Season 10 Member Your membership will allow us to continue hiring theater professionals here in Colorado and across the US. This year, we will expand Local Lab to support the development of 10 new American plays. That means we will be employing 10 creative teams of theater professionals as they work together, virtually, to develop their new works.