Local Theater Company stands with our AAPI community in recognizing that extremism and violence against Asian, Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders is on the rise in our country. The attack on Tuesday March 16th took the lives of eight people in Georgia including these four individuals who have been identified:
As a company dedicated to building an anti-racist world, we would like to raise awareness to the important work being done by our colleagues at Stop AAPI Hate (https://stopaapihate.org). Stop AAPI Hate is a national coalition aimed at addressing anti-Asian discrimination amid the pandemic. Please visit their website to learn more, report an incident or access their resource page.
Education resources and articles to understand the current climate of racism and sexism:
How Racism and Sexism Intertwine To Torment Asian-American Women
Facts and Figures: Ending Violence Against Women
“Model Minority” Myth Again Used As A Racial Wedge Between Asians and Blacks
All racial injustice in this country can be traced back to white supremacy and economic injustice and closely linked with the subjugation of and violence toward women.
The History of Tensions-and Solidarity—between Black and Asian American Communities, Explained.
If someone you know is engaged in extremist ideology, please report your concern and learn about restorative justice education and programs: