Raised on Ronstadt — Local Theater Company

Local Lab, Boulder’s Premiere New Play Festival | April 25-27 | The Nomad Playhouse, Bldr

RAISED on ronstadt

Written and performed by GerRee Hinshaw
Directed by Dee Covington
Raised on Ronstadt is sponsored by Diana and Mike Kinsey.

Exploring the sounds of her childhood, one woman discovers how an icon’s disregard for convention and category inspired more than her taste in music. Featuring live musical performances.

Meet the Artists


Oct 20 - Nov 6, 2022

Preview (reduced price)

Thursday 10/20 - 7:30pm

Opening Night

Friday 10/21 - 6:30pm

Weekly Performances

SOLD OUT: Sat 10/29 - 7:30pm (followed by a post-show conversation as part of the COME TOGETHER* series)
AVAILABLE: Sun 10/30 - 2pm
Sun 10/30 - 7:30pm Sat 11/5 - 7:30pm (followed by a community meal and post-show conversation as part of the COME TOGETHER* series)
Sun 11/6 - 2pm
Sun 11/6 - 7:30pm


eTown Hall (1535 Spruce St. Boulder CO, 80302)

Ticket Prices

$12 - Previews $25 - Oct 29 - 30 $30 - Nov 5 - 6 $40 - Opening Night

Tickets for October 21st include an invitation to our opening night party

Run Time

75 minutes

In the news




Come Together events are designed to enrich your viewing experience. These events are free and open to the public. You do not need a Raised on Ronstadt ticket to attend.

October 29, 2022
Directly following the 7:30pm presentation
eTown Hall

COME TOGETHER following Raised on Ronstadt to share our reflections, wonderings and questions as an audience.  Twenty minutes of time to dive deeper into the themes raised by this compelling show. This post-show conversation will be led by Co-Artistic Director Betty Hart.

November 5, 2022
Directly following the 7:30pm presentation
eTown Hall

In this COME TOGETHER offering, gather for a meal as we discuss Raised on Ronstadt.  You’ll meet audience members and engage in thoughtful dialogue about writer/performer GerRee’s journey and how it intersects with your own.  Pre-registration is required.

Additional Resources

Coming soon!